A rider on a yellow BMC bike cycles up Col de Romme in the 2018 Tour de France with a row of supporters cheering in the background.

Le Tour de France [2014]

Le Tour de France is a fantastic event that comes around once a year, usually in July. Gina shares her first experience as a spectator when the tour passed by her doorstep in 2014.

Baked Camembert.

I think it’s safe to say that one of the best things about France, is definitely the food. There is a massive variety of food that will please your tastebuds, and Baked Camembert is one of my favourites.

The end of summer?

Even though the end of summer is upon us, it doesn’t mean there’s no sun in the South of France. In the South of France, the end of summer usually occurs a lot later than most countries, as the sun…

Bastille day in Cazouls.

As most of you probably know, Bastille day is a big celebration here in France, and every year, all of the French gather together to celebrate it in whatever way they can find.