A street in Beziers

Béziers: A Biker’s Paradise

Béziers has always been a very historical and interesting place to visit, every summer the town centre is full of tourists from all around the world, snapping photos of the Theatre and the churches.

During the summer the main centre is full to the brim with different kinds of markets, from food and drink to a beautiful flower market, you’ll always see happy tourists wandering around.

One of my most favourite things about Béziers though, is that at the end of the summer, beginning of September, it gets transformed into a biker paradise. Bikers from all over go on a massive road trip, and stop in Béziers for an afternoon. The centre is full of their impressive motorbikes, that they all park in long lines. You can spend the afternoon having a look at all of the different kinds of motorbikes, taking photos and chatting with the bikers themselves. All of the bars are the busiest I’ve ever seen them, thanks to the hundreds of thirsty bikers enjoying a beer in the sun.

Now, we are talking legitimately real bikers, dressed head to toe in leather, tattoos peeking out from their jackets, bandanas, stylish sunglasses and long hair. They often bring their wives with them to ride on the back of their bikes, and they too are dressed up in full biker gear. A bit more exciting than John Travolta in Wild Hogs! As long as you can get come to terms with the fact that the typical bad boy biker stereotype isn’t actually true, you can join them all for a drink and hear about their amazing travels.

Often, because it’s the start of September, most of the students will have already started school and are in the bars by 2pm enjoying a drink after their first days back. It’s a lot of fun to go down to the local bars with a pack of cards, a couple of beers and just have fun playing card games and hearing stories from the bikers.

If you’re in Béziers at the beginning of September, then you must definitely pop down to the centre and have a look for yourselves, it’s a truly great experience. Take a look at the video and decide for yourself!

Photo by Finn Zenzen on Unsplash

Gina Evans-Forte
Gina Evans-Forte
Articles: 69