Restaurant Review – VALROS – L’Asparagus

Restaurant Review – VALROS – L’Asparagus

True – it has as much kerb appeal as a motorway service station but when 2 people recommend it – well it seemed silly to drive past.

Inside, though, it is completely different, stylish, chic and very welcoming.

You can have the menu de jour for €20 but we went the whole hog and ordered the €25 and it was worth it.

Restaurant Review South France Holiday Villas L'Asparagus Valros
Restaurant Review South France Holiday Villas L’Asparagus Valros

Fine cooking, excellent presentation and a thoroughly agreeable occasion.

It has the touches that make a place special – a delightful glass with foam and cream and a deep delightful taste before the starter arrived and with the coffee an amazing concoction of delight.

If there is a criticism it is that you cannot get a pichet of wine – you either have to order by the glass – expensive – or you have to have a bottle.  Why in heavens name in the midst of a vineyard you cannot have what you want is – well amazing is the nicest word.

That said – a place to feel spoilt in – reservations 04 67 90 56 28.

2 Avenue de Montblanc, 34290 Valros, France

WoW recommended – but it is a shame about the wine.

Review taken from

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