Fabulous Food in Provence

Bouillabaisse, which originates from Marseille, is a meal in its own right which can contain different types of fish like loup de mer (sea bass), rouget (red mullet), etc. and shell fish. It is cooked in a stock and served with a spicy red pepper, quite fiery, and garlic mayonnaise called rouille which you spread on croutons and sprinkle with cheese. Salads and fresh sun-ripe tomatoes are typical of the region.For the meat eaters, lamb, beef and rabbit are plentiful but used sparingly in stews and casseroles and can be served with provençale sauces or braised in vegetables and red wine. The fish and shell fish are world renowned and include moules (mussels), gambas (giant prawns), palourdes (clams), and crab and lobster.
Local cheeses in this area are usually made from goats’ milk (chevres) or ewes’ (brebis) which can be obtained from Provencal markets. These markets are also famed for their large variety of fresh fruits and Herbes de Provence.
Camargue red rice is a variety of rice cultivated in the wetlands. It is a short-grained and unmilled variety of rice and has a nutty taste. It is quite interesting to see the rice growing in the wetlands and, of course, buy some to try at home.

As in all of France, there are many restaurants in the Provence area. Below we have listed just a few, in different areas of the region. Nothing actually surpasses walking in the towns and finding suitable restaurants and most are exceptionally welcoming and the food extremely good. Whether dining in a 6 star restaurant or a 1 or 2 star, on the whole you will have a very enjoyable experience. Of course there are other cuisines to experience in the region and one you may like to try is North African cuisine.
Other specialities of the region are anchoiade—an anchovy tart and pissaladière—an onion tart with black olives. These can either be served as a starter or eaten as a snack, necessary after all the activities you have embraced.
Restaurants in Avignon Christian Etienne, Restaurant Moutardier
Restaurant in Saint Remy de Provence le Bistrot des Alpilles
Restaurants in Marseille La bouillabaisse, l’Epuisette
Fabulous Food in Cote d’Azur
There are many eating places on the French Riviera. Restaurants display their menus outside so you can see in advance the prices. The prix fixe or set price menus are generally the best value. The main types of food are either Provençal or Niçois and the whole region is dominated by the delicious mix of olive oil, onion and fresh tomatoes, black olives, anchovies and garlic. Most dishes, vegetable or meat, includes these ingredients.

Although in Nice they use these ingredients, they have a different flavour and bear the name in the menu niçoise as demonstrated by salade niçoise. This is mainly served as a starter and it is generally agreed that it must contain at the very least quartered hard-boiled eggs, tomatoes, black olives, anchovy, tuna and lettuce and garlic in the dressing.
If you would like to stay in these beautiful regions, go to www.southfranceholidayvillas.co.uk to book accommodation.