A restaurant that I have visited and re-visited many a time, is Les Grands Buffets in Narbonne, south of France. Its spectacular range of foods is absolutely astounding, and, may I say it, delicious. WARNING: Visiting too often might be hazardous to your waistline!
The name, “Les Grands Buffets”, translates into “The Very Big Buffet”, and this is no hyperbole. There is every kind of French food that I have ever known of and it’s an all-you-can-eat buffet which means you have to take things slowly!
For starters there are as many types of cheeses as you can imagine, pates, foie-gras, salads, dressings, crackers, breads. Next to all these are a selection of seafood; huge prawns, mussels, lobster; anything I could imagine!
After this, there is a huge selection of French dishes, including tripe stew, frogs legs and other dishes for the more easily pleased palate – french fries, roasted chicken.
There is a section where you can have almost any kind of meat I’ve heard of cooked to order. This is my favourite part. Along with the selection of amazing French sauces to choose from.
If you have any room left, there is the largest selection of desserts I have ever seen – as shown in the two photos below:

The ambience is very sleek and pleasing, and there is an outdoors dining area for times when it’s not TOO hot!
The waiting staff are pleasant, on the whole, although some of them were very nice and there were a couple who seemed a little snooty. Don’t let this put you off though.
The last time I went to Les Grands Buffets, it was 23 Euros per head, not including drinks. For all-you-can-eat, and for the finesse and finery of the food, I definitely think it’s worth it!
For more information, please visit:
If you’re looking to book accommodation in the area, please go to www.southfranceholidayvillas.co.uk or look at these links below: