Tag mountains


The Beauty of Valbonne

For those of you who are unfamiliar with Valbonne, prepare to be intrigued, as it is full of beauty, history, culture and fun activities.

Another Côte d’Azur trip!

Given the fact that the last trip to the Côte d’Azur was such a success, we decided it was about time we returned to one of our favourite places in the South of France!

Someday Summary – A Review of Andorra

There are few places, in my opinion, more spectacular than the Pyrenees mountain range.  When I was living in Herault, I was fortunate enough to be able to view the Pyrenees from the French side, the Spanish side, and in…

A day out in Minerve

Hello there! A couple of weeks ago, my mother, boyfriend and myself, all went on a day trip to a beautiful little village called Minerve. The sun was shining, I had on my best shorts along with my best sunglasses,…