End of summer.

Even though the end of summer is upon us, it doesn’t mean the sun is going away just yet!

In the South of France, the end of summer usually occurs a lot later than most countries, as the sun is still shining at the end of September. This is the favourite time of the summer for most french people, as a lot of the tourists have gone home, so everything is a lot quieter, the beaches aren’t as crowded and neither are the restaurants.

Some of my friends and family have been having days at the beach even now, on the 2nd of October, and there’s nothing they love more. You get to enjoy the sun without being burned, and without the crowds.

If you’re interested in experiencing a calmer holiday in the South of France, then be sure to book around September, you won’t regret it!

Gina Evans-Forte
Gina Evans-Forte
Articles: 65