Another Côte d’Azur trip!

cote d'azur, beach

Given the fact that the last trip to the Côte d’Azur was such a success, we decided it was about time we returned to one of our favourite places in the South of France!

We started our trip by visiting a fabulous property in Grasse, the owner was then kind enough to direct us to the Perfume Factory! We had a good look around the shop, and then spent quite a while talking to one of the sales ladies about Argen oil. We sampled so many different perfumes, and we even ended up purchasing some for ourselves!
perfume factory, cote d'azur
Once we were well and truly perfumed-out, we headed over to Plan de la Tour, which believe it or not is where Johnny Depp has a property! We did our property visit, which again was an absolutely gorgeous house, then headed into the village for some coffee, where we saw a sign saying George Clooney!

One of the most exciting moments of our trip, was driving up some mountains which had extremely sheer drops at some points! However, there were such amazing views and we got the chance to see all of the fabulous beaches of Cagnes sur Mer and Saint Maxime. We loved the views so much that we decided to have lunch at Saint Maxime on our last day. We sat in the sunshine, overlooking the sea and harbour which was full of boats, such a wonderful afternoon!

saint maxime, beach, sea

Gina Evans-Forte
Gina Evans-Forte
Articles: 69