Tag town

Restaurant review: La Tour Sarrasine.

La Tour Sarrasine is in Poilhes, which is an absolutely delightful little town. The main attraction of this restaurant is its stunning terrace with masses of beautiful window boxes, and its location in the gorgeous village of Poilhes directly opposite the…

Pézénas, yes, again!

Hello there! If you’re a regular reader, then you’ll have noticed that I have already written about Pézénas a few blog posts ago. “Why is she writing about it again?” you ask? Well fellow readers, because we loved it so…

Spending the afternoon in Béziers.

Hello there! For the past 11 years of my life, I have lived just outside of a lovely town called Béziers. Now you might think that living in the same place for such a long time can get boring, that…