Tag beach

Beach fun at Valras Plage

Hello there! Now, if there’s one thing we can be sure of, it’s that the beaches in the South of France are to die for. One day this summer, my mum turned to me and said “right guys, I have…

One Man and His Dog – Languedoc, South of France

Imagine a sunny, blustery day. You’re gazing at a long, sandy beach that seems to have no end.  In the very far distance, the Pyrenees with Mount Canigou glinting with snow.  In the other direction, the spit of land that…

The Winter Wonderland that is The Languedoc

The Winter Wonderland that is The Languedoc Snow and ice are not the first things that come to mind when considering the south of France but that is what we have been experiencing this week in shedloads. The countryside looks…

Almost all possibility of being saved by UFOs sold out.

You may have heard the date 21st December 2012 being bandied around over the past year or so.  You may even have heard why…  The end of the world is nigh, so say the Mayans.  A measly few-million other people…

Béziers – a review by South France Holiday Villas

Béziers – a review by South France Holiday Villas Beziers is a vibrant town bustling with traditional Mediterranean shops and its magnificent Cathedral that looks out from its great height over oceans of vineyards. The Canal du Midi cuts through…