Tag restaurants

Sur le pont d’Avignon

I bet that title brought back some childhood memories, huh? Personally, I can just picture myself in my little school uniform, screaming out the lyrics as loud as I possibly can, in potentially the worst French accent you’ve ever heard. 

Marseillan Port

One thing we all have in common, is that we love going to the beach. Even the people who hate the beach love going there! You just feel so summery and lovely whilst there, you dont even have to set…

les angles, skiing, south of france

Skiing in France – places to go

There’s little the French love more than skiing, it’s definitely a yearly tradition and pretty much every French person you meet will already have a ski holiday booked.

Visiting Sète

Sète has always been one of my favourite destinations in France, it’s vibrant and exciting, yet picturesque and relaxing.

Spending the afternoon in Béziers.

Hello there! For the past 11 years of my life, I have lived just outside of a lovely town called Béziers. Now you might think that living in the same place for such a long time can get boring, that…

A day out in Minerve

Hello there! A couple of weeks ago, my mother, boyfriend and myself, all went on a day trip to a beautiful little village called Minerve. The sun was shining, I had on my best shorts along with my best sunglasses,…