South France Holiday Villas strangest requests of 2011

Some of the strangest requests South France Holiday Villas has experienced in 2011:

Last time we went on holiday, we saw Starlings being ripped apart by owls. Can you guarantee this won’t happen at your villa?

We only eat organic food that has been grown within a 50km distance from where we are staying. Is this possible?

Is there room to throw a bbq in the back yard?

Will your 3 bedroom property house 17 of us if we bring our own blow-up mattresses?

Will the weather be better in the first 2 weeks of July or the last 2 weeks of July?

Can you guarantee there will not be any dead birds in the garden during our stay?

The last villa we booked through you was gorgeous but the locals didn’t speak any English. Do you have a villa in an English-speaking town? We really enjoy the French culture.

Articles: 124