A trip to the Côte d’Azur part one – Valbonne

square, Valbonne, cote d'azur

As explained on our website, we like to visit all of the properties on our website, so that we can make sure they are in the best condition possible for our clients. One of the perks of this, is that we get to go to such amazing places, like the Côte d’Azur!

A few weeks ago, we set off on our trip and headed to Valbonne, which is really beautiful.  The town centre is on a pedestrianized grid system which is unusual but effective. The main square is where the majority of the restaurants and bars are, and a lovely place to stop and have a drink or some lunch. It was absolutely buzzing in early March!
square, valbonne, cote d'azur
The lanes in the grid system have some interesting shops – there is the self-acclaimed ‘Best chocolate shop in Europe’, an English book shop as well as some lovely art shops. There is also a church which is over a 1000 years old, part of which is used as an exhibition area!
church, valbonne, cote d'azur
Now, you can’t go to the Côte d’Azur without indulging in some delicious food, so we decided to eat at the JDeed Café Restaurant outside in the sunshine. They had a great selection of tapas, so we just chose their special of 3 tapas of your choice for 12 euros which was plenty as a lunch.  One of the best meals we had there was chevre and honey which was served on lovely country bread with a poached egg and cheese dish, as well as  two fish tapas, one with smoked salmon and one with Mexican prawns.
All in all it was a great day out, and we can’t wait to go back!
lanes, valbonne, cote d'azur
Gina Evans-Forte
Gina Evans-Forte
Articles: 69